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List of publications of Prof. Dr. Nils Detering

Submitted for publication:

  1. Meng T., Voß M., Detering N., Farolfi G., Osher S. and Menz G.: In-Context Operator Learning for Linear Propagator Models
  2. Benth F. E. , Detering N. and Galimberti L.: Structure-informed operator learning for parabolic Partial Differential Equations
  3. Detering N. and Lin J.: Percolation in Random Graphs of Unbounded Rank
  4. Bichuch M. and Detering N.: When do you Stop Supporting your Bankrupt Subsidiary? A Systemic Risk Perspective

Peer-reviewed journals:

  1. Benth F. E. , Detering N. and Krühner P.: Abstract polynomial processes. Electronic Journal of Probability 2024, Vol. 29, paper no. 122, 1-41.
  2. Benth F.E., Detering N. and Galimberti L.: Pricing options on flow forwards by neural networks in Hilbert space. To appear in: Finance & Stochastics.
  3. Angiuli A., Detering N., Fouque J.-P., Lin J. and M. Lauriére (2023): Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Mixed Mean Field Control Games. Journal of Machine Learning, Vol. 2, 108-137.
  4. Benth F.E., Detering N. and Galimberti L. (2022): Neural Networks in Frechet spaces. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 91(3-4).
  5. Angiuli A., Detering N., Fouque J.-P., Lin J. and M. Lauriére (2022): Reinforcement Learning for Intra-and-Inter-Bank Borrowing and Lending Mean Field Control Game. 3rd ACM International Conference on AI in Finance, conference proceeding (best paper award), 369–376.
  6. Benth F.E., Detering N. and Krühner P. (2022): Stochastic Volterra integral equations and a class of first order stochastic partial differential equations. Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Vol. 94, 1054-1076.
  7. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T., Panagiotou K. and Ritter D. (2022): Suffocating Fire Sales. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 70–108.
  8. Benth F.E., Detering N. and Lavagnini S. (2021): Accuracy of Deep Learning in Calibrating HJM Forward Curves. Digital Finance.
  9. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T., Panagiotou K. and Ritter D. (2021): Financial Contagion in a Stochastic Block Model. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance,
    Vol. 23, No. 8.
  10. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T., Panagiotou K. and Ritter D. (2020): An Integrated Model for Fire Sales and Default Contagion. Mathematics and Financial Economics, Vol. 15, 59–101.
  11. Benth F.E., Detering N. and Krühner P. (2020): Independent increment processes: A multilinearity preserving property. Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 1-30.
  12. Detering N., Janusonis S., Metzler R. and Vojta T.  (2020): Serotonergic axons as Fractional Brownian Motion paths: Insights into the self-organization of regional densities. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 14.
  13. Detering N., Fouque J.-P. and Ichiba T. (2020): Directed Chain Stochastic Differential Equations. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130(4), 2519-2551.
  14. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T. and Panagiotou K. (2019): Bootstrap percolation in inhomogeneous and directed random graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26(2), 1-43.
  15. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T., Panagiotou K. and Ritter D. (2019): Systemic Risk in Networks. Springer Nature. Editors: F. Biagini, G. Kauermann, T. Meyer-Brandis: Network Science - An Aerial View from Different Perspectives.
  16. Detering N., Meyer-Brandis T., Panagiotou K. and Ritter D. (2019): Managing Default Contagion in Inhomogeneous Financial Networks. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 10(2), 430-465.
  17. Christodoulou P., Detering N. and Meyer-Brandis T. (2018): Local risk minimisation with multiple assets under illiquidity with applications in energy markets. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 04.
  18. Janusonis S. and Detering N. (2018): A stochastic approach to serotonergic fibers in mental disorders. Biochemie.
  19. Detering N. and Packham N. (2016): Model risk of contingent claims. Quantitative Finance, Vol. 16, Issue 9 , 1357-1374.
  20. Benth F. E. and Detering N. (2015): Pricing and hedging Asian-style options on energy. Finance & Stochastics, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 849-889.
  21. Detering N. and Packham N. (2014): Model risk in incomplete markets with jumps. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 99, Kathrin Glau et al: Innovations in quantitative risk management.
  22. Detering N., Weber A. and Wystup U.  (2013): Return distributions of equity-linked retirement plans under jump and interest rate risk.
    European Actuarial Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 203-228.
  23. Detering N., Weber A. and Wystup U. (2011): Return distributions of equity-linked retirement plans. Statistical Tools for Finance and Insurance 2, eds. Cizek P., Haerdle W., Weron R., Springer, 393-413.