30.01.2019 Dr. Wasilij Barsukow "Stationary states and the low Mach number limit of linear acoustics"
Vortrag im Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung am 30. Januar 2019
Im Rahmen des Oberseminares "Numerik und Optimierung" hält
Herr Dr. Wasilij Barsukow (Universität Zürich)
am Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2019, einen Vortrag mit dem Titel
"Stationary states and the low Mach number limit of linear acoustics"
Beginn: 16:30 Uhr, Raum
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The acoustic equations arise as a linearization of the compressible Euler equations around the state of a fluid of constant density and pressure at rest. Similarly to the Euler equations they possess a low Mach number limit. Numerical schemes for both the Euler and the acoustic equations often display artefacts in this limit. I will show how these artefacts can be understood and corrected for linear acoustics. For these equations, the low Mach number and the long time limits are equivalent. Stationary states of the numerical scheme therefore play a paramount role for the understanding of its low Mach number behaviour. Numerical schemes that correctly discretize the analytic stationary states are called stationarity preserving. They are the ones compliant with the low Mach number limit, and they are additionally equivalent to so-called vorticity preserving schemes. These concepts can be efficiently used to also analyze sophisticated numerical methods such as active flux.