Publikationsliste Herr Prof. i. R. Dr. Arnold Janssen
- Ditzhaus, M. und Janssen, A. (2019): Bootstrap and permutation rank tests for proportional hazards under right censoring. Lifetime Data Analysis., online. Accepted: 17 September 2019 - MacDonald, P. W., Liang, K. und Janssen, A. (2019): Dynamic adaptive procedures thatcontrol the false discovery rate. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13 p. 3009–3024
- Ditzhaus, M. und Janssen, A. (2019): Variability and stability of the false discovery proportion. Electron. J. Statist., 13 p. 882-910 - Ditzhaus, M. und Janssen, A. (2018): Detectability of nonparametric signals: higher criticism versus likelihood ratio. Electron. J. Statist., 12 p. 4094-4137 - Benditkis, J., Heesen, P. und Janssen, A. (2018): The false discovery rate (FDR) of multiple tests in a class room lecture. Statistics and Probability Letters, 134 p. 29-35
- Benditkis, J. und Janssen, A. (2017): Finite sample bounds for expected number of false rejections under martingale dependence with applicatons to FDR. Electron. J. Stat., 11 p. 1827-1857 - Janssen, A. (2017): Der Martingalansatz zur Auswertung klinischer Studien im Rahmen der Survival Analysis. Mitteilungen der deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung, 25 p. 26-31
- Brener, O., Dunkelmann, T., Gremer, L., van Groen, T., Mirecka, E. A., Kadish, I., Willuweit, A., Kutzsche, J., Jürgens, D., Rudolph, S., Tusche, M., Bongen, P., Pietruszka, J., Oesterhelt, F., Langen, K.-J., Demuth, H.-U., Janssen, A. Hoyer, W., Funke, S. A., Nagel-Steger L. und Willbold, D. (2015): QIAD assay for quantitating a compound's efficacy in elimination of toxic Aβ oligomers. Nature. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 13222 - Heesen, P. und Janssen, A. (2016): Dynamic adaptive multiple tests with finite sample FDR control. Statist. Plann. Inference, 168 p. 38-51 - Janssen, A. und Knoch, A. (2016): Information bounds for nonparametric estimators of L-functionals and survival functionals under censored data. Metrika, 79 p. 195-220 - Heesen, P. und Janssen, A. (2015): Inequalities for the false discovery rate (FDR) under dependence. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9 p. 679-716 - Nelson-Sathi, S., Sousa, F. L., Roettger, M., Lozada-Chávez, N., Thiergart, T., Janssen, A., Bryant, D., Landan, G., Schönheit, P., Siebers, B., McInerney, J. O. und Martin, W. F. (2015): Origins of major archaeal clades correspond to gene acquisitions from bacteria. Nature 13805, - Bendel, J., Dobler, D. und Janssen, A. (2014): Exponent dependence measures of survival functions and correlated frailty models.
arxiv:1409.6854 - Janssen, A. und Tietje, M. (2014): Statistical likelihood methods in finance.
arXiv:1310.4400v2 - Brendel, M., Janssen, A., Mayer, C.-D. und Pauly, M. (2014): Weighted logrank permutation tests for randomly right censored life science data. Scand. J. Stat., 41 p. 742-761 - Janssen, A. und Ostrovski, V. (2013): The Convolution Theorem of Hajek and Le Cam - Revisited.
arXiv:1309.4984 - del Barrio, E., Janssen, A. und Pauly, M. (2013): The m(n) out of k(n) bootstrap for partial sums of St. Petersburg type games. Electron. Commun. Probab., 18 p. 1-10
- Janssen, A. und Pauly, M. (2013): The influence of sequential extremal processes on the partial sum process. Extremes, 16 p. 39-54
- Nelson-Sathi, S., Dagan, T., Landan, G., Janssen, A., Steel, M., McInerney, J., Deppenmeier, U. und Martin, W. F. (2012): A methanogen acquired a thousand eubacterial genes at the origin of Haloarchaea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 p. 20537-20542
- Janssen, A. und Tietje, M. (2013): Applications of the Likelihood Theory in Finance: Modelling and Pricing. International Statistical Review, 81 p. 107-133 - Barczyk, A., Janssen, A. und Pauly, M. (2011): The asymptotics of L-statistics for non I.I.D. variables with heavy tails. Probab. Math. Statist., 31 p. 285-299
- Janssen, A. und Wellek, S. (2010): Exact linear rank tests for two-sample equivalence problems with continuous data. Stat. Neerl., 64 p. 482-504 - del Barrio, E., Janssen, A. und Matrán, C. (2009): On the low intensity bootstrap for triangular arrays of independent identically distributed random variables. TEST, 18 p. 283-301 - del Barrio, E., Janssen, A. und Matrán, C. (2009): Resampling schemes with low resampling intensity and their applications in testing hypotheses. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 139 p. 184-202 - Janssen, A. und Pauly, M. (2009): Asymptotics and effectiveness of conditional tests with applications to randomization tests. Technical Report, University of Duesseldorf
- Janssen, A. und {\U}nlü, H. (2008): Regions of alternatives with high and low power for goodness-of-fit tests. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 138 p. 2526-2543 - Janssen, A. und Völker, D. (2007): Most powerful conditional tests. Statist. Decisions, 25 p. 41-62 - Janssen, A. und Pauls, T. (2005): A Monte Carlo comparison of studentized bootstrap and permutation tests for heteroscedastic two-sample problems. Comput. Statist., 20 p. 369-383 - Janssen, A. (2005): Resampling Student's {t}-type statistics. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 57 p. 507-529 - Janssen, A. und Werft, W. (2004): A survey about the efficiency of two-sample survival tests for randomly censored data. Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen, p. i, 1-47
- Beyersmann, J., Janssen, A. und Mayer, C.-D. (2004): Efficient rank tests for semiparametric competing risk models. Metrika, 60 p. 73-91 - Janssen, A. (2004): Asymptotic relative efficiency of tests at the boundary of regular statistical models. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 126 p. 461-477 - Janssen, A. und Kunz, M. (2004): Brownian type boundary crossing probabilities for piecewise linear boundary functions. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 33 p. 1445-1464 - Janssen, A. (2003): Which power of goodness of fit tests can really be expected: intermediate versus contiguous alternatives. Statist. Decisions, 21 p. 301-325 - Janssen, A. (2003): A nonparametric Cramér-Rao inequality for estimators of statistical functionals. Statist. Probab. Lett., 64 p. 347-358 - Janssen, A. und Pauls, T. (2003): How do bootstrap and permutation tests work? Ann. Statist., 31 p. 768-806 - Janssen, A. und Rahnenführer, J. (2003) (2002): A hazard-based approach to dependence tests for bivariate censored models. Math. Methods Statist., 11 p. 297-322
- Janssen, A. und Kunz, M. (2002): Global extrapolations for power functions of one-sided nonparametric tests. Statist. Decisions, 20 p. 153-176
- Janssen, A. (2001): A proof of the basic measure extension theorem of Carathéodory. Math. Semesterber., 48 p. 103-106 - Janssen, A. und Mayer, C.-D. (2001): Conditional Studentized survival tests for randomly censored models. Scand. J. Statist., 28 p. 283-293 - Janssen, A. (2001): Erratum: "Testing nonparametric statistical functionals with applications to rank tests'' [J.\ Statist.\ Plann.\ Inference {\bf 81} (1999), no. 1, 71-93; {MR}1718393 (2000g:62104)]. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 92 p. 297 - Janssen, A. (2000): Nonparametric bioequivalence tests for statistical functionals and their efficient power functions. Statist. Decisions, 18 p. 49-78
- Janssen, A. (2000): Global power functions of goodness of fit tests. Ann. Statist., 28 p. 239-253 - Janssen, A. (2000): Invariance principles for sums of extreme sequential order statistics attracted to Lévy processes. Stochastic Process. Appl., 85 p. 255-277 - Janssen, A. (1999): Nonparametric symmetry tests for statistical functionals. Math. Methods Statist., 8 p. 320-343
- Janssen, A. (1999): Testing nonparametric statistical functionals with applications to rank tests. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 81 p. 71-93
Erratum: J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 92 p. 297 (2001) - Janssen, A. (1998): Zur Asymptotik nichtparametrischer Tests. Vol. 29, (Lecture Notes. Skripten zur Stochastik), Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Mathematischen Statistik, Münster, p. iv+242
- Janssen, A. (1997): Studentized permutation tests for non-i.i.d.\ hypotheses and the generalized Behrens-Fisher problem. Statist. Probab. Lett., 36 p. 9-21 - Janssen, A. und Neuhaus, G. (1997): Two-sample rank tests for censored data with non-predictable weights. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 60 p. 45-59 - Janssen, A. (1995): Principal component decomposition of non-parametric tests. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 101 p. 193-209 - Janssen, A. (1994): Sums of independent triangular arrays and extreme order statistics. Ann. Probab., 22 p. 1766-1793<1766:SOITAA>2.0.CO;2-6&origin=MSN - Janssen, A. (1994): On local odds and hazard rate models in survival analysis. Statist. Probab. Lett., 20 p. 355-365 - Janssen, A. (1994): Two-sample goodness-of-fit tests when ties are present. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 39 p. 399-424 - Janssen, A. und Marohn, F. (1994): On statistical information of extreme order statistics, local extreme value alternatives, and Poisson point processes. J. Multivariate Anal., 48 p. 1-30 - Janssen, A. und Milbrodt, H. (1993): Rényi type goodness of fit tests with adjusted principal direction of alternatives. Scand. J. Statist., 20 p. 177-194
- Janssen, A. (1992): Conditions for local asymptotic normality of exponential families. Statist. Decisions, 10 p. 173-182
- Janssen, A. (1991): Asymptotically linear and mixed normal sequences of statistical experiments. Sankhyā Ser. A, 53 p. 1-26
- Janssen, A. (1991): Optimal {k}-sample tests for randomly censored data. Scand. J. Statist., 18 p. 135-152
- Janssen, A. (1991): Conditional rank tests for randomly censored data. Ann. Statist., 19 p. 1434-1456 - Janssen, A. und Brenner, S. (1991): Monte Carlo results for conditional survival tests under randomly censored data. J. Statist. Comput. Simulation, 39 p. 47-62 - Janssen, A. und Mason, D. M. (1990): Nonstandard rank tests. Vol. 65, (Lecture Notes in Statistics), Springer-Verlag, New York, p. vi+252
- Janssen, A. und Mason, D. M. (1990): On the rate of convergence of sums of extremes to a stable law. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 86 p. 253-264 - Janssen, A. (1990): The distance between the Kac process and the Wiener process with applications to generalized telegraph equations. J. Theoret. Probab., 3 p. 349-360 - Janssen, A. (1989): The domain of attraction of stable laws and extreme order statistics. Probab. Math. Statist., 10 p. 205-222
- Janssen, A. (1989): Local asymptotic normality for randomly censored models with applications to rank tests. Statist. Neerlandica, 43 p. 109-125 - Janssen, A. (1989): The role of extreme order statistics for exponential families. In: Extreme value theory (Oberwolfach, 1987). Vol. 51, (Lecture Notes in Statist.), Springer, New York, p. 204-221 - Janssen, A. (1988): Locally most powerful rank tests. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 17 p. 1325-1349 - Janssen, A. und Reiss, R.-D. (1988): Comparison of location models of Weibull type samples and extreme value processes. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 78 p. 273-292 - Janssen, A. (1988): Uniform convergence of sums of order statistics to stable laws. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 78 p. 261-271 - Janssen, A. und Nobel, S. (1987): The power of Neyman-Pearson tests at level {α→0} and the decay of distributions at infinity. Statist. Decisions, 5 p. 159-175
- Janssen, A. (1986): Absolute continuity and singularity of distributions of dependent observations: Gaussian and exchangeable measures. In: Probability measures on groups, {VIII} (Oberwolfach, 1985). Vol. 1210, (Lecture Notes in Math.), Springer, Berlin, p. 108-124 - Janssen, A. (1986): Limits of translation invariant experiments. J. Multivariate Anal., 20 p. 129-142 - Janssen, A. (1986): Asymptotic Properties of Neyman-Pearson Tests for Infinite Kullback-Leibler Information. The Annals of Statistics, 14 p. pp. 1068-1079 - Janssen, A. (1986): Scale invariant exponential families and one-sided test problems. Stat. Decis., 4 p. pp. 147-174
- Jannsen, A. Milbrodt, H.und Strasser, H. (1985): The Lévy Khintchine formula for infinitely divisible statistical experiments. Vol. 27, (Lecture Notes in Statistics), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. vi+164
- Janssen, A. (1982): Continuous convolution semigroups with unbounded Lévy measures on locally compact groups. Arch. Math., 38 p. pp. 565-576
- Janssen, A. (1982): Zero-one laws for infinitely divisible probability measures on groups. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor. Verw. Geb., 60 p. pp. 119-138
- Janssen, A. (1981): A zero-one law for the set of admissible translates with respect to product measures. Rend. Mat. Appl., 7 p. pp. 265-280
- Janssen, A. (1981): Some remarks on P. Lévy's theorem for a net of discrete measures and the purity law on locally compact semigroups. Semigroup Forum, 22 p. pp. 67-82
- Janssen, A. und Siebert, E. (1981): Convolution semigroups and generalized telegraph equations. Math. Z., 177 p. pp. 519-532
- Janssen, A.(1981): Meßbare Mengen von Maßen und Inhalten. Manuscr. Math., 34 p. pp. 1-15
- Janssen, A. (1981): Integration separat stetiger Funktionen. Math. Scand., 48 p. pp. 68-78
- Janssen, A. (1980): A general purity law for convolution semigroups with discrete Lévy measure. Semigroup Forum, 20 p. pp. 55-71
- Janssen, A. (1980): Charakterisierung stetiger Faltungshalbgruppen durch das Lévy-Mass. Math. Ann., 246 p. pp. 233-240
- Janssen, A. (1979): Zulässige Translationen von Faltungshalbgruppen. PHD-Thesis, Abteilung Mathematik der Universität Dortmund
- Janssen, A. (1979): Some remarks on the decomposition of kernels. Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 73 p. pp. 328-330