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Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Döbler
Mathematisches Institut der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
Building: 25.13
Floor/room: 01.32
D - 40225 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
+49 (0)211 81-12168
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Research associate for the coordination of the Financial and Insurance Mathematics program

Research interests

  • Distributional approximation and weak convergence, in particular by means of Stein's method
  • Stochastic analysis, in particular Malliavin and generator structures on configuration spaces
  • The link between Malliavin calculus and Stein's method (the so-called  "Mallivain-Stein method")
  • Random matrices (classical compact matrix groups and Wigner matrices)
  • Random walks and interacting particle systems
  • Stochastic Geometry (e.g. functionals of Poisson and binomial point processes and geometric random graphs)


For a detailed list, please refer to publications.



Exercise classes taught: Übungen zur Analsysis I, Stochastik

Student seminars: Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik

Lecture course and exercise class taught in the summer semester 2021: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie

Current lectures: Übungen zur Finanz-und Versicherungsmathematik, Übungen zur Linearen Algebra I

For further details concerning the teaching at this chair, please refer to the German version of: teaching.

Teaching at other universities

Given lectures: Probability (Martingale Theory), Markov Chains and Queues, Functional Analysis, Théorie de la mesure et calcul intégral, Stochastik für Lehramt an Beruflichen Schulen

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